
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Skaven Heroes

When I graduated from high school, I was gifted with a whopping two hundred dollars that I decided to buy a Warhammer army with. And buy one I did. I went to Borderlands in Salem, Oregon (which is still my favorite gamestore) and picked up the recently released boxset of Skaven. It then took me almost 4 years to paint everything in that box. I really like having a fully painted army even though I've rarely played with them and it is fun being able to see the pieces and have a nice way to see how my painting has improved over that time.

My two heroes, a Skaven Warlord and Warplock Engineer, are two of my favorite models of all time. I painted the Warlords shoulder pad green to match my Stormvermin. Unfortunately, the Engineer looks too glossy due to the old school inks I used on him, but I still think he looks great.

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