
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tailchaser's Song: Introduction and Chapter 1

From Affinity for Absurdity

Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams:Author Introduction, Introduction, and Chapter 1

Tailchaser's Journey was bought for two reasons: the cover art and the fact that it was in the fantasy and sci-fi section of Powell's City of Books. Steph Walker inspired me to buy it, read it, and summarize what can only be an amazing literary journey. So here we go:

Tailchaser's Song was written by Tad Williams in 1985 with a new edition published in 2000. The book begins with an Author's Introduction which pretty much cemented for me that this book will be 80's fantasy as hell. Tad talks about what he was doing in 1985 and how he came to write the book because he was living with two cats for the first time and decided to “make up their myths and legends” because that is the kind of thing he would do. Tailchaser's Journey was also his first novel he ever wrote. I'm super excited by this. He also wrote a screenplay (A waiter in California writing a screenplay? Shocking!) called “The Sad Machines” which can only be about emo robots. I would watch that movie. He comes across as kind of pretentious since he couldn't believe publishers passed on his epic fantasy story about cats but it ended up being a bestseller so I don't know what to think about that.

The novel is dedicated to Tad's two grandmothers which is really sweet and also one of the cats he lived with while writing the book, Fever the tabby. Oh, I'll also be keeping count of awesome cat names, so that begins now with 1.

The novel begins in earnest! We start with a map because 80's Fantasy since readers required a map to meticulously follow the path the protagonist takes. We also get a weird poem about cats which is mostly the 10 steps cats take before beginning their day, including cleaning themselves. So that's something. Then we get a world creation myth!

The world began when Meerclar Allmother (Odin Allfather's grandmother maybe?!?) who brought forth the Two and is also apparently the sky. The Two are Harar Goldeneye (2) and Fela Skydancer who had many offspring like Climbfast, Wolffriend (traitor cat!), Treesinger, and Brightnail. They also had The Firstborn aka Baldur, Loki, and Not Stupid Thor. I mean Viror Whitewind (3), Grizraz (matazz) Hearteater, and Tangaloor Firefoot (4). I'm beginning to suspect that serious cats have two names while one name cats are cannon fodder, we'll see if this theory holds up.

So in good Viking style, Whitewind is the best, Firefoot is smart and relaxed, and Hearteater is jealous. Hearteater lets loose a monster Demon Hound on the owl people called the Ruhue (which for some reason I really love) and Whitewind kills it only to suffer grievous wounds and die. Firefoot wants nothing to do with being King of the Cats and renounces it to go wandering. Harar Goldeneye loses his mind in grief, rips up forests while looking for Hearteater, then goes into the sky to “chase the bright mouse of the sun across the heavens” which I guess makes him the moon since he is in the “bosom of the Allmother” and can look for Whitewind. Hearteater escapes underground where he pulls a Gollum only to be captured years later when Firefoot falls a tree on top of him. Awesome plan, Firefoot! The sun burns him after years of living underground and escapes by digging back underground where HE REMAINS UNTIL THIS DAY or something. FAST FORWARD TO STORY TIME.

Chapter 1
Did I mention I love 80's fantasy? The first paragraph contains “The Hour of the Unfolding Dark” because saying “it was getting dark” isn't fantastic enough for fantasy talking cats. We are introduced to Fritti Tailchaser (5), hunterchild of the Folk, who is awakened by an unusual tingling of his whiskers. He gets up, grooms himself (JUST LIKE MY CAT, I imagine most readers saying to themselves), then hops down from his roof to go find some breakfast. At this point, I had a realization: these aren't just fantasy cats that have their own world and culture, THESE ARE HOUSECATS that live with people and are going to have an epic fantasy adventure! I'm doubly excited now! Tailchaser goes to find something to eat before he plans on going to the Meeting Wall. His “luck was not dancing” because we suddenly get into my favorite Fantasy Trope of giving common things ridiculous names in a fake language AND calling common things by completely new names! FOR THE SAME THING. Tailchaser spots a Squeaker or a mre'az (Hahahahaha that is totally a cat noise I love it) and his pounce is short letting the mouse since it's a mouse escape. He responds by “biting his paw in embarrassment.”

We then jump forward to Tailchaser licking up the scraps from a bowl on the porch when up comes Thinbone. Only one name which makes me assume he's not important. He greets Tailchaser with “Nre'fa-o” which I guess is Catspeak for “good evening.” My housecat suspicion is confirmed since Thinbone lives in a culvert down the street from Tailchaser and mocks him for eating from the bowl the Big Ones set out for him and asking him if he does tricks like “The Growlers.” Tailchaser responds in cat fashion by attacking him and then both cats clean themselves. I totally see how this book was written by an author who was actively watching two cats interact.

The two cats go to the Meeting since Meerclaw's Eye is shining full and it is time for solitary cats to come together and tell stories. Tailchaser looks for a “fela” named Hushpad and even forgoes a game of “Jump-in-the-air” with some other cats to look for her. He and Hushpad had begun the Dance of Acceptance but they were interrupted the night before! He asks Thinbone for help but before they can start looking it is story time and hot damn do cats love stories, even more than they do trying to find cat ladies!

Bristlejaw, the 11 year old Oel-cir'va or Master Old-singer, tells the tale of Ninebirds, a mighty cat who dared attempt to take up the crown of King of All Cats which had remained unfilled since Firefoot refusing to take up the mantle following Whitewind's death. At the coronation, an elderly cat comes and challenges Ninebirds, reminding him that no cat except Firefoot is the rightful king. Ninebirds challenges the old cat to battle, during which the old cat strips off his fur. During the battle, lo and behold, the old cat has dust coming off of it and reveals that he is Firefoot! He pins the now fur less Ninebirds under a tree root and as punishment for his pride he stretches Ninebirds until his a naked long cat! And all his descendants are naked tall cats as well that walk on two-legs! THAT IS HOW HUMANS CAME INTO EXISTENCE. Cool story, Bristlejaw.  

Next up, Chapter 2!

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